Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tips How To Prepare War Base in Clash of Clans

For you who like to play CoC and a new start, can read the article about the tips and tricks to play CoC for beginners. While for you who already join a clan and began to follow war, it's good to compose articles about tips war base in this CoC. Before explaining tips and tricks, there is little information about the war that you must understand in order to win the war in CoC

Concept of War in CoC
In the war game modes, from CoC you have to get as many stars in the game. Therefore, make sure you use the strongest forces to attack opponents and regulate war base / your base that can not be destroyed by the enemy.

There are a few things you should consider when preparing a very vital war base.

  • Make sure the Town Hall is located in the middle and hard to reach by any creature that is owned by the enemy.
  • Make sure Clan Castle is in the middle so it was not easy lured to come out. Because of Clan Castle is one of the strongest defense when temenmu donate powerful forces to survive the war.

Two points above are important tips to consider when setting up the war base. Since most when they are Town Hall 7 and above, opponents often use the dragon forces, so that weapons can only attack the troops under does not move at all against attacks from the dragon.

With a circular, the dragon will not directly attack into but would destroy around him beforehand. So the dragon shooter is in the innermost ring can continuously attack the dragon without being attacked first. TH will decrease the possibility of the destruction of a dragon attack.

War base model's shortcomings like the above is a ground attack using hog and attacked through a wizard that immediately below, since TH is very close to the bottom wall and can be quickly destroyed.

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