Thursday, May 14, 2015

Fire Fu - Full of Fire

Being "The Chosen One", maybe it is a plot that feels cliche, but it is often used and are still effective. Likewise with the inaugural game RetroFist, Fire Fu. You are the chosen one who is destined to dominate the flow of Fire Fu and become the hero that banish the creatures of the underworld to rule the world in which we live. This game will be released for the iOS platform, Android, and Windows Phone.

From the screenshot you can see, here you have to swipe on the screen to eradicate the evil beings. Trace your fingers will form a fire that will burn them. Looks simple, but the developer says that this game requires reflexes, accuracy, and good strategy.

The further the progress of your game, then the enemy will emerge stronger. But fear not, will be available also special weapons and items that will help you defeat them. There are also various bonuses and achievement that you can collection.

From what we see in the picture above, it looks like the games that are supported by Microsoft will be filled with explosions and fire, according to my taste. With artwork done hand with various levels of available locations, Fire Fu gives hope for a graphical feast for the eyes. For his own release time, the developer has not told the exact time.

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